10 Reasons Why You Should Build Website on WordPress

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WordPress is an open-source development tool, but still provides plenty of security and customization options to users thanks to the wide variety of available plugins. Plus there are tons of free (and premium) essential tools to unleash WordPress’ power for small and medium businesses. While it’s not necessary to ring the bell of a professional developer or a company to develop a WP-based website for you, you have the option to go it alone or find affordable help through job boards like Upwork. No matter, what way you choose, just make sure that you are using WordPress for your business betterment.

This is only the start of the benefits that come with this tool, and there is a lot to come in this blog. So, let’s dig into the reasons why WordPress great for small business enterprises.

So now that you have a better understanding of what WordPress is and what it does, it’s time to talk about why it’s so great. I’ve come up with 10 reasons why you should be using this platform for your website.

Over 74 million websites of all types and sizes use WordPress to post new content each second. Did you know that WordPress powers  26% of all websites (yes ALL websites on the Internet). This content management system has quickly become a favorite among both web-savvy users and web-novices alike because of how simple-yet-powerful it is. If you are thinking of creating a website then you really should start a small business website using WordPress .

1 . WordPress is open-source

WordPress Open Source

It means that there are thousands of WordPress developers all around the world working day and night to improve the system. And none of what they do costs you a penny. Free security and feature updates, every quarter? You bet. Can you say that about your CMS provider?

What used to be WordPress’s biggest disadvantage – its open-source nature (in other words, no-one owns it, so no-one is obliged to support it) — has actually become its greatest strength. The community of WordPress developers all over the globe who continue to improve it 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, is hard to compete with.

2. Reliability

You don’t want to take any chances when it comes to managing your website. Sometimes, looking at how many people use a platform is the best way to determine its reliability.

According a recent study from Kinsta, WordPress dominates the CMS market share.

WordPress controls 60% of the CMS market. Joomla is second on the list, with a percentage that’s 12 times smaller than WordPress.

Furthermore, WordPress powers 34% of all websites worldwide. Numbers like this are simply staggering, to say the least.

If the platform wasn’t reliable, it wouldn’t be so widely used. Big-name sites like TED, TechCrunch, UPS, and CNN all use WordPress.

Each month roughly 70 million new posts are published on WordPress. Those posts generate about 77 million new comments over the same period of time.

Considering the fact that WordPress is used by about one-third of websites across the globe, it’s safe to say that your site will be in good hands if you use it as well.

3. WordPress is Flexible

WordPress is developed by expert developers from around the world by following a solid coding structure. WordPress meets the demands of its users with a flexible framework. Users from any expertise and background can modify the structure of the website with a few drag and drop and simple clicks.

Although WordPress was originally designed to support blogging and related types of online publishing, it also powers a wide range of sites with other purposes. Now, WordPress has become a powerful tool to build a wide range of websites from eCommerce stores, to business websites and corporate websites. WordPress is used to run complex sites for large multinational corporations, manage small businesses, and create personal blogs.

Thanks to its many themes and easy access to its source files, WordPress is also endlessly adaptable to a company’s changing needs. So, being said that, its flexibility is another important reason to use WordPress.

4. Plugin Rich

plugins list

One of the biggest advantages of using WordPress is its wide variety of plugins. You can use a plugin to extend the functionalities of the website. They allow you to add great features to your site without having to know how to write any code. Best of all, plugins are incredibly easy to install.

On top of that most of the great plugins are available for free to download. You just need to simply search the name of the plugin and install it. Plugins like Gutentor provides high flexibility and easy to customize feature to your website.

But, while using plugins, you have to remember that not all plugins are great to use, so, you need to carefully choose which plugin to use.

5. Theme Rich

There are thousands of beautiful WordPress themes and templates from different developers. So, you can switch your website’s look by simply installing and customizing the theme.

For non-tech people, WordPress is the perfect solution as there are thousands of free website themes that you can choose from. There are hundreds of themes and templates developers who offer an amazing theme for a wide range of varieties from business, personal branding, eCommerce, Medical, Beauty, Restaurant, and magazines.

Themes can be previewed and install instantly and customize it as per the requirement.

6. Great support

Since WordPress is used by so many people all over the world, there are countless guides, tutorials, and resources that can be found online. You can take advantage of WordPress forums where you can communicate with others who use the planet’s most popular CMS.

Aside from those options, you can also get help and support directly from the WordPress support team.

If you have a paid WordPress plan, you’ll have access to live chat support 24 hours per day, Monday to Friday. For those of you who have business or ecommerce plans, you can even reach live chat agents on the weekends.

With that said, it’s worth noting that this resource won’t be able to help you any third-party applications that you’re using on your WordPress site.

But as I mentioned before, you can easily find help with this on a community forum or guide on another site. There is definitely no shortage of WordPress “how-to” resources on the Internet.

7. Easy to Backup

Easy backup of the website is another great benefit of using the WordPress platform.

You can easily backup your site by using the back option provided by WordPress itself. Easy backup can also be accomplished by using different plugins. You can directly connect with Google dives, DropBox and others could storage platforms.

Some plugins let you automatically backup your website to the cloud on a schedule of your choosing, as well as easily restore a backup with just a few clicks.

8. WordPress is Secure

wordpress safe secure
Another important benefit of using a WordPress platform is, it is developed with security in mind, and it is considered to be a very safe and secure platform to run a website. However, internet attacks can not be avoided. Statistics show that plenty of WordPress sites are getting hacked each year. The possibility of multiple attacks can be Brute Force Attack, SQL injection, DDoS Attack. But, since WordPress is made up of the three components (The Core, Plugins, and Themes), there are several teams of people in charge of keeping it safe. On top of that, you as a website owner can also be responsible to keep it secure by implementing basic WordPress security such as installing SSL, Making Admin Password Strong, Changing the Admin Root, etc.

9. SEO Friendly

seo friendly websites
One of the Best Reasons to Build a Website on WordPress Platform is WordPress is SEO friendly.

WordPress is written using standard compliance high-quality code and produces semantic markup. Moreover, there are lots of SEO plugins that can help you to follow a better SEO structure. WordPress structure itself is SEO friendly as it allows you to follow the basic SEO guidelines like permalink, alt naming of the image, sitemap and so on.

WordPress sites tend to rank higher in the SERPs because they’re constantly being updated. In simple words, Search Engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo just love WordPress.

10 . Easily to Create, Manage and Update Content

Without Content Management Systems like WordPress, managing and updating content on a website requires programing skills. Unless a programmer creates their own CMS, an average user can’t add, edit or delete content on a website.

Thanks to WordPress, because a company can have an editor whose duty is to create and publish fresh content on the company’s website.

Users like editors, don’t even require to know how to write HTML tags to create beautiful content for a company website, as they can just login into their account and start writing great content.

This makes it easy and simple to always keep a company website up-to-date with fresh content for its visitors to keep coming.


The bottom line here is to keep an eye on the details. WordPress is an amazing platform in that it makes it much easier and faster to develop sites.

Don’t let that lull you into a false sense of security, though.

Your effort to customize your site is still very important. Do your research before planning anything. You have to know your limitations with WordPress.

Only then can you know what possibilities there are for your website.

Combine that with your knowledge of your audience. The result? An effective website for increasing your conversion rates and sales.

If you are interested in building a website with page builders, do not miss this great article “17 Reasons To Build Your Website With WP Page Builder
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